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APR 26, 2024

News & Analysis

VC investor headcount stalls after years of rapid growth
Turnover at the largest US venture firms is rising, a sign that years of unchecked growth among investment teams may finally be at an end.
Funding for European VC mega-rounds makes a comeback
Europe’s venture capital mega-rounds are on the rebound, claiming over half of all VC deal value in the first three months of the year.

Recommended Reads

Valuing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks
While there is literature that describes the "domain" of artificial intelligence, there are very few, if any that analyze the valuation and pricing of AI stocks. The authors attempt to fill the void with a two part methodology.
How to diversify as global stock markets grow more concentrated
Stock market concentration has increased dramatically in recent years at the market, sector, and stock level. However, there are ways investors can diversify their portfolios while maintaining exposure to market leaders.

Conferences & Events

What's the Market Missing? (Online)
Please join our experts as we examine recent geopolitical events and the associated market volatility and what we think it means for investors in the near-term. The webinar is on April 30, 2024
The Premier Conference for Middle-Market M&A (Las Vegas)
Visit us at DealMAX in Las Vegas, where our lead PE analyst Tim Clarke will lead a session discussing where and when private equity firms will find exit opportunities. The conference is on April 29 - May 1, 2024

Upcoming events

1. 2 May 2024: Q1 2024 PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor (Online): [Click here]
2. 2 May 2024: 2024 NVCA Annual Leadership Gala and Awards Ceremony (San Francisco): [Click here]
3. 9-10 May 2024: Direct Lending and Middle Market Finance (Florida): [Click here]

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Stony Finance Lab is a community-based finance network that aims to promote personal financial responsibility and helps the community to achieve financial confidence and financial independence through life-long learning. The emails are to distribute news and information on finance research, events, jobs related to personal finance, investments of financial and digital assets, academic finance, and entrepreneurship. All emails are for information sharing only and shall not be deemed as financial advice. The Lab is not liable for the consequence of using any information contained in the emails.

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