Academic Finance
Disclaimer: The resources here are for information only and should not be considered as financial advice.
Chinese Academic Finance click here
Professional News
Research/Journal Rankings
- Journal Citation Reports (JCR) by Clarivate
- Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) for Finance: journal rankings
- Academic Journal Guide by CABS (ABS) journal ranking
- Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal quality list
- best conferences, journals, scientists and universities based on research
Research Ranking Website
Funding Sources for Research and Educational Programs
Federal Funding
- – gateway for all federal grants
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE)
- STEM Education (EDU)
- Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP)
- Innovation Corps (I-Corps)
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
- Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
- National Institute of Health (NIH)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
- Federal Departments
- Department of Education (ED) – Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
- Department of Energy (DOE) – Office of Science (SC)
- Department of Defense (DOD) – Basic research
State Funding
- New York State Grants
- Empire State Development
- Division of Science, Technology & Innovation (NYSTAR)
- “A Guide to Federal and New York State Funding – How to Navigate the Process” by Senator Gillibrand (2015)
Private Foundation Grants
- Kauffman Foundation (Research Grants)
- William T. Grant Foundation
- Russell Sage Foundation
- Heckscher Foundation for Children
- The Nasdaq Foundation
- National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) (Eligibility)
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (Education, Environment)
- Bradley Foundation
- Wells Fargo Community
- Li Ka Shing Foundation
- Achelis & Bodman Foundation
- Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation
- Community Foundation of the North State
- Convergence Finance Design Fund
- Futures Fund
- Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund (CCMP)
- The Calvin Kazanjian Foundation
- Searle Freedom Trust (public policy issues)
- The New York Community Trust
- Foundation for Aging (Application Tips)
Theme-Based, Centers and Initiatives
Tips for Authors or Referees
- CRediT author statement (Elsevier)
- Berk, Harvey, and Hirshleifer (JEP): How to Write an Effective Referee Report and Improve the Scientific Review Process
- Harvey and Hirshleifer (2020 SSRN): Up or Out: Resetting Norms for Peer Reviewed Publishing in the Social Sciences
- Barber, et al. (2022) Writing Equitable and Effective External Review Letters in Changing Times
- Berk, Harvey, and Hirshleifer (2016 SSRN): A Checklist for Reviewing a Paper
- Tips for authors from Professor René Stulz
Academic Podcast and Blog
- The Grumpy Economist, by Hoover Institution (Dr. John Cochrane)
Preparation for Business Ph.D. Programs
Finance Profession
Finance Conferences, Events and Job Announcements
- American Finance Association (AFA)
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
- American Economic Association (AEA)
- Society for Financial Studies (SFS)
- Western Finance Association (WFA )
- Financial Management Association (FMA)
- Managed Funds Association (MFA)
- The Financial intermediation Research Society (FIRS)
- China International Conference in Finance (CICF)
- The Chinese Finance Association (TCFA)
- Asian Finance Association (AsianFA)
- Global Finance Conference (GFC)
- AFA Call for Papers Calendar
- AFA Conference Calendar
- AFA Finance Directory (Finance Faculty Profile)
- AFA for Job Seekers
- SSRN Financial Economics Network Professional Announcements, Job Openings
- New York University Salomon Center
- Stern Microstructure Conference (2023)
- Miami Behavioral Finance Conference (U of Miami)
- SFS Cavalcade North America 2022
- The Chinese Finance Association (TCFA)
- G53 Network (Financial Literacy and Personal Finance)
- Fintech at Johnson
- FMA Research Seminar (Online)
Finance Journals
Databases and Research Sites
Asset pricing factors & academic research data
- Ken French Data Library
- Ritter IPO and SEO Data
- Global-q factors
- Robert Stambaugh Data Library
- Stephan Nagel Data and Code
- Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Sun Behavioral Factors
- Aswath Damodaran (NYU)
- Yale International Center for Finance Historical Data
- Bill McDonald Data (textual analysis, 10-X Header)
- Bushee institutional investor classification
- Charles Lee Technology Link Database
Short sales
Financial markets
- Refinitiv Asset4
- Refinitiv Eikon
- Revenpack
- Russell
- Pension&Investments (P&I) funds
- Pension&Investments (P&I) Research Center
- Global Capital Allocation Project
Historical web archive
- WayBackMachine
- WebCite
- Alexa (coming soon)
- Time Travel
- Stilllio
- Pagefreezer
- Yubnub (social command line for the web)
- John Cochrane Blog
- Center for Economic Studies (CES)
- Univ of Michigan Survey of Consumers
- The Conference Board US Leading Indicators
- Burning Glass Technologies (Labor market analytics)
- Burning Glass Technologies
- Cortera (economic impact tracker)
- Fed Coincident Index
Household finances and economics
- NLS | NLSY79 | NLSY97
- Income Mobility Dataset
- World Inequity Database (Saez)
- Social Capital Atlas
- Opportunity Insights
- The Equal of Opportunity Project
- Stanford Center of Poverty and Inequity
- NY Times Economic Diversity and Colleges
- Global Data on Mobility
- FINRA National Financial Capability Study (NFCS data)
- Center for Retirement Research (BC)
- Rand American Life Panel (ALP)
- Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) | SDA 2022 Aggregates
- Berkeley SDA (Survey Documentation and Analysis)
- New York Fed Survey of Consumer Expectation
- Census County-Level Data
- NORC-General Social Survey (GSS)
- PSU County-level measure of social capital
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- National Study of Private Ownership of Firearms in the U.S. 1994
- Union Density estimates by State (1964-2013)
- The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA)
- Social Connectedness
- Social connectedness data
- Census data (Block for location)
- World Inequality Lab
- World Inequality Database
Mood and sentiment
Politics and Law
- Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
- Harvard Law School Forum
- Federal Election Commission (FEC) bulk data
- US Senate Financial Disclosures (STOCK Act)
Weather and dates
SEC Filings
- Prolific (survey tools)
- MTurk (survey tools)
- James Hasselback Business Fields Faculty Directory Database
- Natural Experiments in Finance
- (tell gender)
- Google Trend Data
- Name Embedding
- Name Origin
- Spotify API | Docs
- Stanford Large Network Databases
Behavioral and Social Finance Scholars
- Robert Shiller (Yale)
- Richard Thaler (Chicago)
- Hersh Shefrin (Santa Clara)
- Meir Statman (Santa Clara)
- David Hirshleifer (UC-Irvine)
- Kent Daniel (Columbia)
- Nicholas Barberis (Yale)
- Terry Odean (UC-Berkeley)
- Brad Barber (UC-David)
- Lusardi Annamaria (Stanford)
- Johannes Stroebel (NYU)
- Lin Peng (Baruch)
- Dong Lou (LSE)
- Wei Xiong (Princeton)
- Malcolm Baker (HBS)
- Jeffrey Wurgler (NYU)
- Ulrike Malmendier (UC-Berkeley)
- Paola Sapienza (Northwestern)
- Bing Han (Toronto)
- Alok Kumar (Miami)
- Henrik Cronqvist (Miami)
- Stephan Siegel (UoW)
- George Korniotis (Miami)
- Byoung-Hyoun Hwang (Nanyang)
- Theresa Kuchler (NYU)
- Lauren Cohen (HBS)
- Joey Engelberg (UCSD)
- James Choi (Yale)
- Juhani Linnainmaa (Dartmouth)
- Kelley Shue (Chicago)
- Ken Ahern (USC)
- Zhi Da (Notre Dame)
- Joey Engelberg (UCSD)
- Andrei Simonov (Michigan State)
- Alberto Rossi (Georgetown)
- Yueran Ma (Chicago)
- Sonya Lim (DePaul)
- Eric So (MIT)
- Ronnie Sadka (Boston College)
- David Solomon (BC)
- Sam Hartzmark (Boston College)
- Baolian Wang (UF)
- Francesco D’Acunto (Georgetown)
- J. Anthony Cookson (Colorado)
- Xing Huang (WSU)
- Stefan Zeisberger (Radboud)
- Rawley Heimer (Arizona State)
- Martin Weber (Mannheim)
- Luigi Guiso (EIEF)
- Matti Keloharju (Aalto)
- Markku Kaustia (Aalto)
- Samuli Knüpfer (BI Norwegian)
- Oliver Spalt (Tilburg)
- Doran Kliger (Haifa)
- Stefan Zeisberger (Radboud & Zurich)
Behavioral Scholars (Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science)
- Janet Currie (Princeton)
- Annamaria Lusardi (GW)
- Olivia Mitchell (Wharton)
- Raymond Fisman (BostonU)
- Moritz Schularick (Bonn)
- [Political Science] Robert Putnam (Harvard)
Practitioner Scholars
- Robert Litterman (Short Hills)
- Bruce I. Jacobs (Jacobs-Levy)
- André F. Perold (HighVista Strategies)
- Charles D. Ellis (Whitehead Institute)
- Martin S. Fridson (Lehmann, Livian, Fridson Advisors)